What frustrates a patient most is not knowing whats wrong and what direction to take for best treatment. This forum attempts to create awareness and provides a platform to share views, discuss problems and a common meeting platform for patients and doctors alike.
For those who are wondering what I mean by 'Yet another new beginning', well I have tried this on my blog, on orkut as well as on Care IVF website. I have received tremendous support and response for most but what i felt was lacking what an overall interaction. I seemed mostly a monologue from my side. I would love to answer general and even specific problems (thats if one would feel alright to post one on a public forum) as I have done on all other forums but what I am looking for is a healthy discussion with contributions from patients and experts alike. I will be, over the next few days, copy pasting some of my old articles already written elsewhere but once the ball is rolling, I hope to take this to a much higher level than before. Shall we raise a toast to the new beginning then !!!! ? :) Amen !
Best of luck !!!!!!!!!!!