Articles under Psychological Counseling


Fertility Treatment > 4 Steps to Coping with - PAIN - of IVF failures

 posted on 3/11/2020

This article talks about the 4 simple steps of embracing grief of Failure, deal with it and how to move on. Couples undergoing IVF treatment have been tethering on a small ray of hope that they might be able to have children. This hope becomes the foundation of their dream of having a family in future. When a cycle fails, this hope and this dream break for them. They grieve for that family they have been dreaming about, that child that may have been. Since IVF treatment is protracted and may involve repeated IVF failures before the result is positive, couples need a strategy to cope with this grief of a loss that cannot be defined in conventional terms.


Women's Health > How to find happiness during your Infertility journey

 posted on 3/24/2021

How to find happiness and stay positive during infertility journey.


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