This might seem like a lot, but it’s important that a woman is 100 percent ready and healthy enough for surrogacy in every way before she begins — for her own overall wellbeing and for the wellbeing of the intended parents’ baby. There are physical, social, legal, and emotional requirements.

To become a surrogate mother women have to meet the following Surrogate selection criteria

  • Be within a certain age range (21–40)
  • Have a healthy BMI(BMI of 30 or less)
  • No smoking or drug use
  • Have at least one prior successful pregnancy
  • No major complications from previous pregnancies such as miscarriages/previous preterm birth
  • Have at least one previous successful pregnancy and no more than five vaginal births or three cesarean deliveries
  • Be currently raising your child(ren) in their home
  • Have no major complications from previous pregnancies
  • Have no felony convictions
  • Be free of treatable STDs for at least 12 months
  • Have no history of postpartum depression
  • Discontinue use of antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications at least 12 months prior to surrogacy
  • Wait at least 12 months since last tattoo or piercing before beginning surrogacy
  • Be able to travel as needed for appointments
  • Have a stable lifestyle and support system
  1. Virals( hiv, hbsag, anti-hcv, vrdl )
  2. Hb and thalassemia screening(HPLC)
  3. Fbs, PPBS
  4. ECG
  5. Abo-rh typing
  6. TSH
  7. Prolactin
  8. Ca125
  9. USG TVS
  10. STI screening in surrogate and partner

Any special test outside this if requested by the couple can be carried out at additional cost.

The couple has every right to carry out DNA test on the baby after birth. This is acceptable legally

Yes, the clinic offers Pre-implantation genetic testing services. This involves carrying out DNA testing on the embryo in the Day 5-Day 6 stage (blastocyst) and a genetically normal embryo is selected for transfer in the womb of surrogate. PGT-M is recommended for those couples who may have a family history of genetic disorder

Yes, the clinic offers Pre-implantation genetic testing services. This involves carrying out DNA testing on the embryo in the Day 5-Day 6 stage (blastocyst) and a genetically normal embryo is selected for transfer in the womb of surrogate. PGT-M is recommended for those couples who may have a family history of genetic disorder

Must be an Indian national and have Indian Aadhar card. Foreign nationals are not eligible for surrogacy in India.

As per MHA’s circular no. 25022/74/2011-F.1 (Vol. III) dated 3 Nov. 2015: (Foreign nationals [including Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders] intending to visit India for commissioning surrogacy Frequently asked questions). As per this circular, no visa is currently being issued by Indian Missions/Posts to foreign nationals to visit India for commissioning surrogacy.

You may refer the following link for more information:

Single parent surrogacy can be done as of now*. The law states that child has to be genetically related to the single parent.

This means if a single woman wants to undergo surrogacy, the oocytes would have to come from the single woman and fertilized using donor semen.

In case of single man, he would need donor oocytes that would be fertilized by his sperms.

Known surrogate can also be used as of now*. In such a case you would not have to pay surrogate charges. The clinic will charge for IVF, investigations of the surrogate as per actuals and Rs. 50,000/- for legal fees for the drawing up of surrogacy agreements.

In the case of a relative acting as a surrogate, the relative should belong to the same generation as the woman desiring surrogacy.

No woman may act as a surrogate more than thrice in her lifetime.

Couples with a normal first child are allowed to have a second child via surrogacy as of now*. This may change of the new bill is passed.

Couples with a normal first child are allowed to have a second child via surrogacy as of now*. This may change of the new bill is passed.

We charge approx 13.5 lacs for surrogate if you don't use a known surrogate of your own.

This excludes IVF treatment charges and hospitalization charges for delivery and any emergency hospitalization during pregnancy period.

They are recruited through reliable and accredited national agencies.

Surrogates are kept in surrogate homes, which house all surrogates, in-house nursing personnel, and their caretakers. Some agencies have in-house hospital also, to take care of surrogates on emergency basis, as and when required. Intending parents can go anytime to visit their respective surrogates with prior intimation to the agency.

Surrogates are given equivalent care, akin to mothers who have undergone frozen embryo transfer. It is ensured by the ART centre, that the prenatal protocol for investigations and medicines/injections are followed strictly by the surrogate agency, which has been used for recruitment of surrogates by the ART CENTRE.

Nursing personnel at the surrogate home ensures the medicines are being taken appropriately by the surrogates.

The Government of India has decided to come out with a law to regulate the business of IVF and Surrogacy in the country. The proposed legislation was drafted by a team of experts from the field of medicine and law but has not been finalized and implemented till now. At present, ICMR guidelines, ART bill and home ministry’s order are regulating surrogacy policy in India.

What are the changes you may expect in the new surrogacy bill?

The new bill aims to ban the commercial aspect of surrogacy. The bill may bring the following changes:

  • Only Indian citizens with Indian aadhar card will be eligible for surrogacy
  • Couples with a previous first child born normally cannot go for surrogacy for the second child
  • Any woman willing to be a surrogate can be permitted to become surrogate mother
  • The proposed insurance cover for surrogate mothers has now been increased to 36 months from 16 months provided in the earlier version.
  • Commercial surrogacy will be prohibited including sale and purchase of human embryo and gametes.
  • Only ethical surrogacy to Indian married couples, Indian-origin married couples and Indian single woman (only widow or divorcee between the age of 35 and 45 years) will be allowed on fulfilment of certain conditions.

We recommend less direct contact between Intended Parents and Surrogate.But if the Intended Parent wants to meet with their surrogate then they can meet with her with proper intimation to the concerned person.

The length of the surrogacy process may vary based on the following factors:

Your professional’s advertising, matching and screening services and the number of surrogates they are currently working with (this impacts your wait time to be matched)

Your surrogacy plans, goals and preferences, which may simplify or prolong the matching process

The number of cycles and embryo transfers required to successfully achieve a pregnancy

The legal services required in your specific circumstances

And more

Typically, you should plan to wait 1–2 years from the time you sign on with a surrogacy agency until you have a child.

How much does surrogacy cost?

Because of all the variables involved in the surrogacy process, it’s impossible to know exactly how much the process will cost for the intended parents until the process is over. Those variables include variations in medical needs/costs, medications, travel requirements and much more.

After the completion of egg retrieval we have proceeded for the surrogate recruitment but the patient needs to clear the first installment.

It depends on the available number of embryos of the patient. but generally we transfer two embryos at a time.

If the surrogate fails to conceive then the Intended Parents needs to try again with the same surrogate (if available) or new surrogate.

If surrogate get miscarriage then the payment needs to clear till that period or its depends on the gestational age of the pregnancy.

Just after the baby is born, the baby is handed over to the Intended Parents and transferred to the pediatric ward under the observation of a reputed pediatrician. When the pediatric doctors discharge the baby then all the discharge report will be in the name of Intended Parent(s) and thereafter they can apply for the Birth Certificate.

The success rate in surrogacy is the same as in IVF; that is 40% in the case of IVFwith Self eggs and 60% in case of IVF with donor oocytes.

Surrogacy costs can vary significantly based on a number of factors, including the type of surrogacy you pursue, the professional and surrogate you work with, the services you need throughout the process and the course of the surrogate’s pregnancy.

Generally, intended parents are responsible for the following costs:

Agency fees

Advertising services

Matching services

Counseling, education and support

Screening costs

General case management and oversight

Variable expenses

Legal services

Medical expenses

Surrogate compensation and reimbursement

While agency fees are usually set by the surrogacy professional and rarely change, variable expenses can change significantly based on your individual situation, making it difficult to estimate overall surrogacy costs. However, most surrogacy arrangements range from $60,000–$125,000.

The Government of India has decided to come out with a law to regulate the business of IVF and Surrogacy in the country. The proposed legislation was drafted by a team of experts from the field of medicine and law but has not been finalized and implemented till now. At present, ICMR guidelines, ART bill and home ministry’s order are regulating surrogacy policy in India.
Until the New Surrogacy bill is passed the existent norms for surrogacy still remain.

The new bill aims to ban the commercial aspect of surrogacy. The bill may bring the following changes:

  • Only Indian citizens with Indian aadhar card will be eligible for surrogacy.
  • Couples with a previous first child born normally cannot go for surrogacy for the second child.
  • Any woman willing to be a surrogate can be permitted to become surrogate mother.
  • The proposed insurance cover for surrogate mothers has now been increased to 36 months from 16 months provided in the earlier version.
  • Commercial surrogacy will be prohibited including sale and purchase of human embryo and gametes.
  • Only ethical surrogacy to Indian married couples, Indian-origin married couples and Indian single woman (only widow or divorcee between the age of 35 and 45 years) will be allowed on fulfilment of certain conditions.

Must be an Indian national and have Indian Aadhar card. Foreign nationals are not eligible for surrogacy in India.

Couples with a normal first child are allowed to have a second child via surrogacy as of now*. This may change of the new bill is passed.
* Current Surrogacy laws are applicable until any new surrogacy bill is passed.

As per MHA’s circular no. 25022/74/2011-F.1 (Vol. III) dated 3 Nov. 2015: (Foreign nationals [including Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders] intending to visit India for commissioning surrogacy frequently asked questions). As per this circular, no visa is currently being issued by Indian Missions/Posts to foreign nationals to visit India for commissioning surrogacy. You may refer the following link for more information:

Single parent surrogacy can be done as of now*. The law states that child has to be genetically related to the single parent. This means if a single woman wants to undergo surrogacy, the oocytes would have to come from the single woman and fertilized using donor semen. In case of single man, he would need donor oocytes that would be fertilized by his sperms.
* Current Surrogacy laws are applicable until any new surrogacy bill is passed.

The length of the surrogacy process may vary based on the following factors:

  • Time required for Surrogate recruitment, matching and screening. Availability of surrogate impacts your wait time to be matched.
  • Your surrogacy plans, goals and preferences, which may simplify or prolong the matching process.
  • The number of cycles and embryo transfers required to successfully achieve a pregnancy.
  • The legal services required in your specific circumstances.

They are recruited through reliable and accredited national agencies.

This might seem like a lot, but it’s important that a woman is 100 percent ready and healthy enough for surrogacy in every way before she begins — for her own overall wellbeing and for the wellbeing of the intended parents’ baby. There are physical, social, legal, and emotional requirements.
To become a surrogate mother women have to meet the following Surrogate selection criteria:

  • Be within a certain age range (21–40)
  • Have a healthy BMI(BMI of 30 or less)
  • No smoking or drug use
  • Have at least one prior successful pregnancy
  • No major complications from previous pregnancies such as miscarriages/previous preterm birth
  • Have at least one previous successful pregnancy and no more than five vaginal births or three cesarean deliveries
  • Be currently raising your child(ren) in their home
  • Have no major complications from previous pregnancies
  • Have no felony convictions
  • Be free of treatable STDs for at least 12 months
  • Have no history of postpartum depression
  • Discontinue use of antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications at least 12 months prior to surrogacy
  • Wait at least 12 months since last tattoo or piercing before beginning surrogacy
  • Be able to travel as needed for appointments
  • Have a stable lifestyle and support system
  • Virals (hiv, hbsag, anti-hcv, vrdl)
  • Hb and thalassemia screening (HPLC)
  • Fbs, PPBS
  • ECG
  • Abo-rh typing
  • TSH
  • Prolactin
  • Ca125
  • STI screening in surrogate and partner

Any special test outside this if requested by the couple can be carried out at additional cost.

Known surrogate can also be used as of now*. In such a case you would not have to pay surrogate charges. The clinic will charge for IVF, investigations of the surrogate as per actuals and Rs. 50,000/- for legal fees for the drawing up of surrogacy agreements. In the case of a relative acting as a surrogate, the relative should belong to the same generation as the woman desiring surrogacy.
No woman may act as a surrogate more than thrice in her lifetime.
* Current Surrogacy laws are applicable until any new surrogacy bill is passed.

Surrogates are kept in surrogate homes, which house all surrogates, in-house nursing personnel, and their caretakers. Some agencies have in-house hospital also, to take care of surrogates on emergency basis, as and when required. Intending parents can go anytime to visit their respective surrogates with prior intimation to the agency.

It is advised that the Intended parents do not have any direct connect or contact with the surrogate. The surrogates are housed in the clinic’s surrogate house and there is a dedicated team to look after their needs. The clinic will provide monthly update on the surrogate to the intended parents. The surrogate undergoes the same process of obstetric monitoring and anti-natal check-up as any pregnant women would at the clinic.

The Name of the intended parents will be mentioned on the birth certificate at the hospital.

Yes, the clinic offers Pre-implantation genetic testing services. This involves carrying out DNA testing on the embryo in the Day 5-Day 6 stage (blastocyst) and a genetically normal embryo is selected for transfer in the womb of surrogate. PGT-M is recommended for those couples who may have a family history of genetic disorder

The couple has every right to carry out DNA test on the baby after birth. This is acceptable legally.

Surrogates are given equivalent care, akin to mothers who have conceived naturally or via IVF. It is ensured, that the prenatal protocol for investigations and medicines/injections, doctor consultations are followed for the surrogate mother as well. The updates of these periodic prenatal check-ups would be conveyed to the Intended parents. Furthermore, if the Intended parents would like to discuss the prenatal reports and status with the doctor they can book for a direct or online consultation.

Generally, intended parents are responsible for the following costs:
IVF treatment (120000 to 4 lacs)

  • IVF Self (OPU to Day 3 Embryo ): RS 60,000
    • Stimulation medicines: RS. 62, 000 or more (will depend on individualised treatment protocol) Or
  • IVF with Donor Oocytes : Donor programs starting at 1,30,000/- to 4 lac
  • Embryo freezing for 6 months: Rs. 20, 000 for upto 6 embryos.
  • FET charges: RS. 26,500 for FET + Medicines + Tests

Surrogacy Management Charges:
We charge approx. 13.5 lacs* for surrogate if you don't use a known surrogate.
The surrogacy fees is expected to cover:

  • Agency fees for surrogate recruitment
  • Surrogacy Counselling & Support
  • Legal services
  • Surrogate Screening costs
  • Surrogate Housing and management
  • Surrogate compensation and reimbursement
This excludes
  • IVF treatment charges and
  • hospitalization charges for delivery and
  • Variable expenses* including medical charges, special tests, emergency hospitalization during pregnancy period *Variable expenses can change significantly based on your individual situation, Please contact the clinic for a detailed consultation and cost estimate.

*One surrogate can be used for a maximum of 2 attempts. Re-preparation charge for a second attempt would be Rs. 50,000/-
* If a new surrogate is needed then again recruitment charges of Rs. 1,50,000 ( inclusive of ET) would be applicable.

After the completion of egg retrieval we have proceeded for the surrogate recruitment but the patient needs to clear the first instalment of Rs. 1,50,000/-

It depends on the available number of embryos of the patient. But generally we transfer two embryos at a time.

If the surrogate fails to conceive then the Intended Parents needs to try again with the same surrogate (if available) or new surrogate.

If surrogate get miscarriage then the payment needs to clear till that period or its depends on the gestational age of the pregnancy

Just after the baby is born, the baby is handed over to the Intended Parents and transferred to the paediatric ward under the observation of a reputed paediatrician. When the paediatric doctors discharge the baby then all the discharge report will be in the name of Intended Parent(s) and thereafter they can apply for the Birth Certificate.

The success rate in surrogacy is the same as in IVF; that is 40% in the case of IVF with Self eggs and 60% in case of IVF with donor oocytes.

We recommend less direct contact between Intended Parents and Surrogate. But if the Intended Parent wants to meet with their surrogate then they can meet with her with proper intimation to the concerned person.
Is the clinic going to give them progress reports during the period and how often and it is telephonic or will they get soft copy reports?
Intended Parents will get a time to time update related to the health of the surrogate as well as payment reminders. If Intended Parents wants to consult with Rajeev Sir with the report of Surrogate, they can but that consultation will be chargeable.

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